
Archive for June, 2009

So, I decided to give you all an update on my life. I’m sure who “you all” are, but I figure if I start posting again, I might get people to start watching again. I am now nearly 1/3 of the way through the June session of classes here at Pittsburg State. The June session is 19 days long and I have completed 6. The accelerated pace keeps me on my toes and I’m not quite sure how I am doing it, but it is working quite well. We cover 7 days worth of material in 2 hours. This means that I actually have to be UP (not just awake and in class) by 8 AM or I risk losing 1-2 days worth of material. During this time I have also, amazingly, found time to do things that I didn’t think I would have time for, like lounging. Surprisingly, the majority of the work that needs to be done can be done within an hour to 90 minutes of completion of class. This realization (one I should have had a LONG time ago) of time management had led me to the conclusion that the fall semester shouldn’t be too bad. You must know that, nearing the end of my first stint at Pitt, I felt terribly harassed by the calendar and wished that it would repeat a day, say Saturday, every once in a while, so that I could catch up. I know a few people who will say, “I told you so!” or something to that tune. Please, leave those comments to yourself.


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I don’t like to post in anger, but this is a topic which I feel needs to be addressed.
I am currently at summer classes at Pittsburg State University. At this time, many things are happening here. First, there is construction occurring all over campus: A new health center is being built, parking lots are being constructed, and a new plaza is in the works. Second, Pitt hosts many high school sports camps, football, basketball, and the like, so there are many public school students here, from middle to high-school. Third, there are the actual college students here, taking classes and paying quite a sum of money for the opportunity to learn. One of the things that we (the students) are paying for is the use of the dorms here. I will not discuss how much we are paying, as that is of public record and, if you wish, can be looked up easily, but I will say that is a fairly substantial sum for a period of one month. In return, we receive lodging, phone services, electricity, internet, and $120 towards food. Normally, this money is intended for use in the dining hall, Gibson. Gibson, for the summer, will be difficult to get to. One of the construction zones is right outside of Gibson, separating it from the rest of the university. This adds an extra 2-4 minutes to the walk, not a big deal. This week, with the camps being here, it has been particularly difficult to get in to Gibson because of all the football players there. That’s fine with me. Once I got in I had to wait in line for nearly 20 minutes to get food. That too was fine with me. But what really got me mad was the news that I received today, that Gibson would be closed unless there was a camp going on.
There is one other place on campus to eat, Gorilla Crossing, in the student center, but it is more expensive and closes at 1:30. In addition, it is an a la carte menu, you get your food then you leave. At Gibson, it is set up in the a la carte mode, but is all you can eat, with fruits, a salad bar, a soda fountain, ice cream machine, and dessert. The cost for this food runs from $4.45-6.45, depending on the meal, not bad for a buffet. A sandwich, chips and a drink (that can only be filled once) costs about the same as one all-you-can-eat dinner at Gibson. I do not understand why we rank lower than people who aren’t actually going to school here but are only here for 2-3 days! Expect an update later in the week (hopefully) on my quest to find out why this setup is the way that it is, and what changes I (hopefully) can bring about.

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